27 de junio de 2020 Nicolas Awards Olympus Bioscapes 2004_1Olympus Bioscapes 2004 Awards FECYT 2006_1FECYT 2006 Awards National Science Foundation and Science journal 2008_1National Science Foundation and Science journal 2008 Awards retina RUVID 2007 _1RUVID 2007 Fourth PlaceContributor: Nicolás Cuenca. Using confocal microscopy it is possible to observer the beauty and complexity of the retina. The main cell types and interconnecting networks are clearly labeled with specific antibodies for each population of neurons. The Winner of the Picture Competition 2010Contributor: Laura Fernández-Sánchez, Nicolás Cuenca. Wholemount retina showing the close relationship between astrocytes and blood vessels. Luz y retina. “Mejor imagen científica del año 2009”Autores: Laura Fernández-Sánchez y Nicolás Cuenca. La imagen premiada representa una retina de ratón teñida mediante la utilización de cuatro marcadores, con el fin de identificar las principales neuronas de la retina y sus conexiones sinápticas en las dos capas plexiformes The Winner of the Picture Competition 2009Contributor: Nicolás Cuenca. The image shows one the most specialized cells of our body, the photoreceptors. Photoreceptors are involved in the first step of visual process.